Obviously I cannot guarantee anything but if you order any of these items from German online shops today you might have a very good chance of receiving them before the 24th of December:
1) Saskia Diez big red wood bracelet, 39 Euro, made in Germany of German wood. 2) smil air mail pouch bag, 17 Euro, made in Germany. 3) smil dachshund brooch, 8 Euro, made in Germany.
4) Pottpurrie tote, 17.90 Euro, printed in Germany. 5) USLU AIRLINES BBE Bread & Butter Big Bell Australia, 11 Euro, made in Germany. 6) Toodot organic cotton raglan sweater Winnipeg, 59 Euro, made in Turkey.
7) Katharine Hamnett LOVE t-shirt, 29.90 Euro, made in India. 8) Knowledge Cotton Apparel Bernie organic wool scarf, 34.90 Euro, made in ??? (I have asked them and will update later). 9) Mazooka Elvis t-shirt, 38 Euro, printed in Germany on American Apparel t-shirt.
Last minute Geschenke aus deutschen Online-Shops. Ein Klick auf das Foto führt zum jeweiligen Onlineshop. Übersetzung folgt...
photo credit: 1) www.saskia-diez.com 2)+3) www.smil.biz 4) http://de.dawanda.com 5) www.frontlineshop.com 6) www.toodot.org 7) www.unique-nature.com 8) www.armedangels.de 9) http://shop.mazooka.de